Some changes on New Posts

  • Post category:Announcement
  • Post comments:41 Comments
  • Post last modified:August 1, 2021

Today I start to do some testing on download links of the newest posts. I might start monetizing download links on the blog soon. I hope the link shortener I choose will not annoying you guys too much.

Premium Users get a direct link to files with no URL shortener.

It’s 7-8 years now since the start of FapForFun blog. Many things happened. Switched from Blogspot to the current blog and even had to leave Patreon in order to keep this blog going.

Thank you to all the supporters and visitors. You guys are the best!

I’ll continue to do my best to keep this blog going.

If you like our blog, Please support us!

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Fap For Fun - Free Hentai Download

Updated: Destination links now changed to direct link.

Last edited 3 years ago by Fap For Fun - Free Hentai Download

Well.. quality has a cost now, maybe more ads at corners or bottoms would help mr…


Like most people said, I understand all but still do not recommend changing the download link.
Yes, you do make some money recently. But you need to know one thing. When you choose to change the download link, the population of this blog will decrease.
Eventually ending the life of this blog.
In other words, you are trading the accumulative population in 7 to 8 years with the money(several dollars per 1000 views).
sorry and thanks.


Thanks for all you do. The new links don’t bother me one bit. I find it amazing all these people crying about having to make 2 more clicks and wait a couple seconds for FREE FUCKING CONTENT.

Bunch of fuckin babies.


I’m not sure how to get the download links to work. I do the wait/captcha thing but when I do “get link” it starts a download. Am I supposed to run this executable or am I doing something wrong?


Are the links broken? Anytime i click them. All it does is “Server not found” for every single one.


The new .press links work, I’m getting the proper torrent files now.


As long as it’s not the spammy ones like adfly, I’m fine. But if it’ll be adfly, I’ll complain

Dark Tenshi

I see FFF made some changes again today, now include more optional links beside ouo. Actually, he did make so many trials and errors in the past week.

While he has to make up for his loss from leaving Patreon. But he still tries his best to make it possible to access the file for free users.

I know it’s a hard decision for him.
If anyone still whining or complaining at this point, I think you don’t deserve to be here.


Well… If it need to save this site.
Do it. But… This links not very good.
Most people came here seeing normal links. And seeing these ads…
it will scare away a lot of people.
I’m sorry, but this is my opinion.
(1 link I have does not lead anywhere except for advertising and in redirecting the second one to my computer, I also downloaded an archive with a virus.)

Good luck to this place.

Anie Mevushal

Nah, I’m skipping this new regulation. I received too many viruses from the ad site. I hope you understand that why people will leaving this site soon enough. Good luck.