Creator: 名無しさん
Update: 04/13/2019
Work Format: RPG , ACT
Violated Heroine is an erotic 2D action role-playing game made with RPG Maker 2K. Though originally being a Japanese game, it is being translated to English. Players assume the role of Nanako, a young country girl looking to become an adventurer. Will she become a purehearted hero of justice or will she be captured by goblins and kept as a sex slave? With dynamically changing dialog and branching quest paths it all depends on the choices you make!
Can’t install the RPG2000RTP.
In the middle of installation an error occurs: (with and without emulator it’s the same (I’m using this https://github.com/xupefei/Locale-Emulator)
https://imgur.com/vZbSJHo (last line means something like “Syntax error in file name, folder name or volume label.”
This game deserves love.
For people having problems with crashes play it on FatalMix. Alt+Enter to go full screen.
whats the difference between this version and the on u can get from Wikipedia???
Are there already mods installed or something?
Game crashes every time I enter building. Toilet, hot spring and etc.
when i change the to jap i get the same error as Some Thing…i guess instead of Syntax error in file name, folder name or volume label it just says “?????????????????????”
Whenever I try to open the game, it says something about RPG some japanese letters and 2000, I tried to change the local system to Japanese but nothing.
Alright my issue was solver, and now I have this one that says: “Rpg_rt DirectDraw Error (DDERR_UNSUPPORTED)” can anybody lend me a hand withy that?
it crash after i made a character
it says
“There was a write violation to address 00000010 at address 00403B60 in module’RPG_RT.exe’.”
and byw a new version is out
я желаю всего наилучшего в жизни человеку,который сделал эту игру, я уже 4 день не могу её установить, я поменял язык, всё скачал, подхватил где-то 10 вирусов, надеюсь автора не переедет фура
classic and good